Our blog
Read the advice from our experts who work with people who have ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Viral Fatigue, Post Covid-19 Syndrome (long Covid) or persistent pain for tips on enabling recovery and supporting wellbeing
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Post-viral fatigue and COVID-19
In this blog, we address the relationship between viral infections such as covid-19 and fatigue symptoms and the potential for longer-term impacts such as post-viral fatigue. We collate some of the latest research/articles on this topic and draw together, from our clinical specialism in this field of fatigue, our advice for how to manage fatigue at the acute phase of illness and subsequently.
Responding to anxiety with an underlying health condition
The current Covid-19 pandemic is generating a lot more stress and challenges - in the threat to health (which can feel exacerbated for someone with an underlying health condition), concern about vulnerable family and friends, financial anxiety, and general disruption to our lifestyles.
As someone with long term CFS/ME I notice how anxiety has increased, and with it my fatigue symptoms. Here I offer some suggestions to help deal with this anxiety with some self care strategies.
Kids at home
In this blog, some of our team who are having to adapt as many are to having kids at home following the closure of the schools, share some of their tips on how to deal with this.
Some tips from someone who usually works from home on how to manage the pitfalls
I have fallen into many unhelpful traps working at home and thought I would share these with you with some of my own solutions!!
The A-Z of self care during this difficult time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Here are some tips on small ways in which we can take care of our selves and all our needs during this time of lockdown, restrictions and attendant uncertainty.
Persistent Pain and Sex
Is a good sex life possible when living with Persistent Pain?
Many of our clients say it is but it may require a bit of preparation, planning and a willingness to try something a bit different.
How to stay positive overall despite a chronic illness
As someone who has had a chronic illness with debilitating fatigue and pain for over 16 years, I can find this time of new year resolutions and the general optimism associated with these difficult to be around. I might want to improve my health but keeping it realistic to my limitations can be challenging.
Post festive indulgence Looking at Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Diet recommendations
Irritable bowel syndrome, (IBS), is very common and can be really debilitating and can be much worse following festive indulgence. Gut symptoms vary, but typically include abdominal pain, bloating, wind, nausea, diarrhoea and/or constipation. For some, the symptoms can be so severe that it stops or curtails every day and social activity.
What can an extra 10 minutes of walking do for you?
The evidence for the impact of physical activity on health is compelling and the breadth of the impact is becoming clearer over time. The UK guidelines for Physical Activity were updated in 2019, and emphasised the fact that even small increases in physical activity can make a notable difference to health.
How do you look after yourself during the Christmas period with a chronic illness or condition?
I found myself discussing Christmas with a client last week who is already planning for her inevitable setback in January – is this unavoidable? How can you enjoy Christmas but minimise the impact?
Tired, in pain but expected to attend... Weddings, Funerals and parties. Top tips for managing Social events.
Firstly, think about whether you have to say yes!
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, consider going for part of the event
Having Friends for Dinner when you have Chronic Pain or Fatigue
I have heard so many clients with Pain and fatigue saying they no longer have friends over because it is exhausting. When I ask them more about this the answer is almost always the same. By the time I have cleaned the house, gone shopping and cooked dinner I have no energy left to enjoy talking to my friends.
A highly engaging book, empowering the reader to begin to take control over their chronic pain
Overcoming chronic pain - a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques is a very readable and relatable book offering a flexible approach on how to access the various elements of the book in order for the reader to get the most personal benefit.
What is 'GET' or Graded Exercise Therapy?
GET' stands for 'Graded Exercise Therapy'. It is an approach for building physical activity in a person's life by being consistent, making gradual changes and responding to setbacks. It can be used as a treatment for people with physical injuries, persistent pain, fatigue, mild depression and other medical conditions.
Does dehydration affect fatigue? Are you drinking enough? (a chart to tell you)
What you need to know about keeping hydrated. Making sure that you are drinking is important for health and prevents dehydration. You should aim to drink at least 1.6 to 2 litres (approx. 3 to 4 pints) of fluid per day to stay hydrated. This is the same as about eight glasses or mugs of fluid.
Cracking smartphone addiction (to help prevent postural pain issues, fatigue and poor sleep)
As an experiment recently, I decided to pretend that I was alien from Mars (as you do) landing on planet earth and just observing how human beings behave. During one short journey by car through North Bristol, I was astonished by the numbers of people using their smartphones.
Low FODMAP diet for IBS
We have known people with fatigue and pain conditions, who also have IBS, where their main barrier to returning to work is not fatigue and pain but is in fact their gut symptoms.
Make the most of natural light in winter
It’s that time of year again. The nights are drawing in, the days are shorter, the weather has changed. Time to dive under the duvet and hibernate.