Our blog
Read the advice from our experts who work with people who have ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Viral Fatigue, Post Covid-19 Syndrome (long Covid) or persistent pain for tips on enabling recovery and supporting wellbeing
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“Fibromyalgia: It's like having an orchestra of discomfort playing in various parts of your body.”
“Fibromyalgia: It's like having an orchestra of discomfort playing in various parts of your body.”
In our latest blog we share some of our clients’ experiences of living with this often misunderstood condition.
How do you look after yourself during the Christmas period with a chronic illness or condition?
I found myself discussing Christmas with a client last week who is already planning for her inevitable setback in January – is this unavoidable? How can you enjoy Christmas but minimise the impact?
Becoming a Published Author – Beverly Knops
In the spring of 2021, I received a phone call from Dr Gerald Coakley, a Consultant Rheumatologist. I assumed he wanted to make a referral to Vitality360, but he was phoning to ask if I wanted to co-author a book. Here I write about how I got on…
Invisible Disabilities
In this blog our specialist fatigue clinician talks to three team members with pain and fatigue about how it is to have an invisible disability & the challenges this presents in relationships, how this can create misunderstandings socially and in the workplace.
Why employers need to be alert to burnout
#Burnout is a risk for employees given the stressors of the current economic climate. This article looks at risks & tips for employers & employees spotting the signs and preventing issues taking hold.
Starting university with long term pain or fatigue? 10 tips to help
Research, conducted by the University of Bristol (Collin and Cawley, 2016) shows that one in 50 16-year-olds have experienced significant, long term fatigue (more than 6 months.) Add to this the numbers of young people with other long term pain and medical conditions and we can see that the struggles of continuing education with a chronic illness are more common place than we might at first think.
Planning a holiday (tips and advice for travellers with Persistent Pain, Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS)
Does the very thought of planning a holiday leave you feeling exhausted? The thought of a long journey and sleeping in a different bed is enough to raise your anxiety levels before you even consider the expectations of yourself or others regarding what you will actually do whilst on holiday. Isn’t it supposed to be pleasurable or at the very least somewhat relaxing?
How to support a colleague who has chronic pain
As a colleague witnessing someone in pain, It can be very difficult knowing when to help, when not to, when to offer sympathy, when not to, when to suggest ‘it may be better if you stopped doing that and rest’ and when to let your colleague just get on with it.
Back Pain: The facts and what to do if you have it
Low back pain is very common, and most people have it at some point in their lives. It affects people of all ages and all socio-economic statuses. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide and the number of people affected is increasing.
The importance of pleasure (Why it matters)
How many times do we hear the words ‘it’s all about balance’. ‘Balance is key’. ‘All things in moderation’. Etc etc.? In fact, if we look at the definition of ‘balance’ we see that it’s ‘a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions’. Broadly speaking we may find that our lives are split into different areas: Self care, achievement, connecting with others and enjoyment.
Explaining pain to friends and relatives (tips provided)
When you have an ongoing pain condition it can be such a struggle to talk to others about what its like to live with and what practical and emotional support they could give you.
Is fatigue the same as sleepiness? (how to tell the difference)
It is easy to make assumptions about others based on their appearance or behaviours, but do we also make assumptions about ourselves when we feel fatigued? The first thought for most people experiencing fatigue is, “I must get some more sleep”.
ME/CFS Awareness Week; What ME/CFS awareness means to me and how that translates into attending our team 10 year anniversary event
We are celebrating 10 years of supporting people with ME/CFS with a team event which synchronistically coincides with ME Awareness week. Here on our team members talks about how it is to attend this event with this condition.
Living with Invisible fatigue
One of our team shares what its like getting back to work after burning out with post viral fatigue/Chronic fatigue syndrome and the challenges of living with an invisible disability.
Why employers need to be alert to burnout
Be alert to the signs of #burnout, says employment lawyer. This article looks at risks & tips for employers & employees spotting the signs and preventing issues taking hold. This was written by Generali following a webinar presented by us on ‘Preventing Fatigue and Burnout’.
Invisible Disabilities
In this blog our specialist fatigue clinician talks to three team members with pain and fatigue about how it is to have an invisible disability & the challenges this presents in relationships, how this can create misunderstandings socially and in the workplace.
How to live with Cognitive Dysfunction/brain fog as part of long Covid
A high percentage of clients we are seeing with Long Covid describe cognitive dysfunction as one of the main symptoms they are continuing to experience. In this blog our Careers and Employment Consultant and our Executive Manager/Occupational Therapist explore what it means to be debilitated like this and how to manage it especially in relation to returning or sustaining work.
How to support people to return to work with Long Covid
We recently ran a partnership webinar for health professionals alongside Affinity Health at work where we shared our expertise on the complexities of supporting those with post-covid-19 syndrome/long covid with returning to work. This blog is a summary of this event with some strategies utilising recent case stories and research findings on the collaborative approach that’s needed.
Top 10 strategies for living well with fatigue
Several of our team members have ME/CFS and associated pain, and as part of our 10-year anniversary, we gathered together their top strategies for learning to live well with fatigue which they share here.