Our blog
Read the advice from our experts who work with people who have ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Viral Fatigue, Post Covid-19 Syndrome (long Covid) or persistent pain for tips on enabling recovery and supporting wellbeing
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What really is Burnout and why is it such a big issue in today’s society?
Burnout is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on your personal and professional life. By taking steps to manage stress and prioritise your well-being, you can prevent burnout and live a healthier, happier life.
Fatigue as a symptom of burnout
Recent studies demonstrate that workplace stress continues to rise and is at record levels, which means that employee burnout with symptoms of fatigue and pain is also on the increase. Here one of our team shares her experience and what signs to look out for.
Why employees want better work/life balance
Data reveals that a majority of employees are seeking out hybrid and remote working as employers are encouraged to offer ‘as much flexibility and choice as possible’. Here, one of our team writes about how working remotely and flexibly is bringing benefits to her in being able to sustain work.
Tired and wired: Understanding the challenges of resting
“Tired and wired” - The role of rest in fatigue management
Rest - definitions and challenges when resting with fatiguing health conditions, including exploring what rest means to the individual and how that may have changed with illness. Ways of working with challenges to resting, such as managing a wound up nervous system, pain, as well as finding the time and appropriate techniques to be able to rest.
A third of workers consider work/life balance to be the most crucial consideration
Data reveals majority of employees are seeking out hybrid and remote working as employers are encouraged to offer ‘as much flexibility and choice as possible’. Here, one of our team writes about how working remotely and flexibly is bringing benefits to her in being able to sustain work.
Fatigue as a symptom of burnout
Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Though it’s most often caused by problems at work, it can also appear in other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or romantic relationships. Here Katherine writes about her journey from a state of burnout…
How do you look after yourself during the Christmas period with a chronic illness or condition?
I found myself discussing Christmas with a client last week who is already planning for her inevitable setback in January – is this unavoidable? How can you enjoy Christmas but minimise the impact?
Invisible Disabilities
In this blog our specialist fatigue clinician talks to three team members with pain and fatigue about how it is to have an invisible disability & the challenges this presents in relationships, how this can create misunderstandings socially and in the workplace.
What makes it possible to claim to be an expert in something like persistent pain/fatigue rehabilitation?
Our Executive Manager and Specialist Clinician reflects on what basis is it possible to maintain to be an expert in something given our emphasis on our role as an expert persistent pain and fatigue rehabilitation provider.
Planning a holiday (tips and advice for travellers with Persistent Pain, Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS)
Does the very thought of planning a holiday leave you feeling exhausted? The thought of a long journey and sleeping in a different bed is enough to raise your anxiety levels before you even consider the expectations of yourself or others regarding what you will actually do whilst on holiday. Isn’t it supposed to be pleasurable or at the very least somewhat relaxing?
How to handle stress (a practical guide)
It’s unlikely that we’ll pass through life feeling little or no stress at all. (Although many of us can recall a friend or family member who’s “so laid back (s)he’s almost horizontal”!) Stress is linked to the ‘fight flight’ response; a primitive, normal and natural response that keeps us safe from any perceived threat.
How to support a colleague who has chronic pain
As a colleague witnessing someone in pain, It can be very difficult knowing when to help, when not to, when to offer sympathy, when not to, when to suggest ‘it may be better if you stopped doing that and rest’ and when to let your colleague just get on with it.
Tips for easy eating when you are unwell
When you are feeling unwell it is far more challenging to eat well. Having the energy or inclination to spend time preparing food can seem daunting. Many people find that they lose their normal appetite and enjoyment of food and eating can become a chore. Some people also feel less like eating if they are low in mood or concerned about their health.
The importance of pleasure (Why it matters)
How many times do we hear the words ‘it’s all about balance’. ‘Balance is key’. ‘All things in moderation’. Etc etc.? In fact, if we look at the definition of ‘balance’ we see that it’s ‘a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions’. Broadly speaking we may find that our lives are split into different areas: Self care, achievement, connecting with others and enjoyment.
Is fatigue the same as sleepiness? (how to tell the difference)
It is easy to make assumptions about others based on their appearance or behaviours, but do we also make assumptions about ourselves when we feel fatigued? The first thought for most people experiencing fatigue is, “I must get some more sleep”.
Connection and Celebration Vitality360 10th Year Celebration Weekend! 13-14th May 2022
I feel privileged to be part of this team – not only because I am surrounded by a huge amount of expertise and experience, but because they’re a lovely bunch of people. For two days we spent the time getting to know each other better as well as experiencing the wonderful outdoors.
Diet & Long Covid recovery: anti-inflammatory vs. low histamine
Recovering from long covid can be a long haul for some and diet is very important means to aid recovery. However, advice can be conflicting. Here our specialist dietitian explores the anti-histamine diet and the Mediterranean diet and considers their benefits.
Sustainable return to work: an integrated model; A personal example
Returning to work following a virus or a period of long term ill health can be a daunting prospect. In this article one of our team utilises a particular model and her personal experiences to explore how it’s possible to sustain working with the support and adjustments from an employer, with a long term condition such as fatigue.
Does vitamin C help post-viral fatigue?
Our specialist dietitian explores the value of vitamin C in a balanced diet in fighting infection and recovering from post-viral fatigue especially if caused by COVID-19.
Invisible Disabilities
In this blog our specialist fatigue clinician talks to three team members with pain and fatigue about how it is to have an invisible disability & the challenges this presents in relationships, how this can create misunderstandings socially and in the workplace.