How we help employers, insurance companies and case managers.

The expert persistent pain and fatigue rehabilitation provider


Is part of your working day spent trying…


… to find quality interventions to support employees or clients with persistent pain or fatigue?

Do you need an experienced team of specialists in this niche field? Look no further - we are a rehabilitation provider specialising in:

  • persistent pain

  • fatigue

The right intervention at the right time is crucial. Our experience tells us that accessing intervention at an early stage secures the best outcomes.


Who we work with


We deliver successful rehabilitation programmes for:

You can be secure in the knowledge that this “all under one roof” provider is fully compliant with Data Protection Due Diligence.

Our programmes equip clients with the self-management tools they need to manage their condition and activity levels to restore health and optimum function.


We get the best outcomes because

  • We offer a multi-disciplinary team approach, which is aligned with clinical research.

  • Our approach is based on the evidence of optimum intervention from the NICE and Pain Society guidelines, and adheres to all clinical and industry standards.

  • We can provide a rehabilitation package based on clearly defined goals, such as improved functional capacity or a reassessment of career goals, depending on the client’s and provider’s needs.

Read the evidence base that underpins our work here.


How we work


We can work with your employees or claimants face-to-face or online via video call, or a combination of both. We are available throughout the UK.

We have identified that remote support offers better outcomes for this particular client group as it overcomes barriers to progression (e.g. increased pain or anxiety) caused by attending appointments in person.

We can also offer workplace visits as necessary.

86% success

% of RTW goals achieved through our rehabilitation programmes

84% success

% including RTW & predicted RTW on our Early Intervention Packages

95% improvement

In clinical client wellbeing


We have a well-deserved reputation as an expert provider of rehabilitation packages for those with persistent pain and/or fatigue. For those experiencing persistent, fluctuating, and invisible symptoms which can have a huge impact on the sustainability of work, the need for a fast, professional, effective comprehensive assessment with real benefit for the claimant is essential.

We have impressive outcomes through the IP packages we have been delivering for ten years, that see 95% of our clients reporting an improvement in their health.

Persistent pain or fatigue: is your employee having difficulty sustaining work?

We can help by providing a tailored specialist work assessment which:

  • Reviews fitness for work

  • Provides specialist recommendations

  • Considers adjustments and The Equality Act 2010

Utilise our expertise in this field delivered through our
Specialist Work Assessment

‘‘My clients have been very happy with the help and advice they have received from the team and say they have appreciated having someone who really understands the impact of fatigue and who can offer techniques and solutions that work.”

- Sue Godby, Director, Ergocom


“Vitality360 have undoubtedly been responsible for many of my patients getting back into employment or education, when that at first glance seemed a remote possibility, and I recommend them without hesitation.”

- Dr Gerald Coakley PhD FRCP Consultant Physician & Rheumatologist

Working collaboratively towards agreed outcomes such as a return to work


‘‘When someone has a long-term health condition, it’s really crucial to be reminded that it isn’t that the person has lost their skills; it’s more a question of capacity and how this can be managed, including having different expectations and making adaptations that lead to a realistic sustainable outcome.’’

- Vitality360 Career and Employment Consultant


Return to work


We work alongside employers to facilitate a client’s return to work if appropriate, and the adaptations that may be necessary to achieve agreed outcomes. Vocational rehabilitation is at the heart of what we do and we have impressive results, often with those who have been off work for 5 years or more.

86% success: % of RTW goals achieved through our rehabilitation programmes. Some of these clients have been off work for 5 years or more.

An experienced Career and Employment Consultant in persistent pain and fatigue can work with your clients to assist them in re-evaluating their career objectives and prospects as part of a rehabilitation programme.

As an employer we support our own team members with lived experience of these conditions to continue to work well.


Our reports and how we measure outcomes


We keep you updated every step of the way with our comprehensive reports.

We have robust systems for measuring client satisfaction and managing team performance levels. These include:

  • Clinical Global Impression scale

  • GAD7 (Anxiety) and PHQ9 (Depression) scales

  • SF36 physical function subscale

  • Chalder Fatigue Scale

  • Self-efficacy questionnaire

Our comprehensive reports utilise these clinical outcomes to measure increased functional/vocational capacity, increased fitness, increased confidence in coping, and decreased anxiety and depression.

 Read case stories where we supported clients to get back to work:


Watch this short video to hear more about how we work

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