Our blog
Read the advice from our experts who work with people who have ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Viral Fatigue, Post Covid-19 Syndrome (long Covid) or persistent pain for tips on enabling recovery and supporting wellbeing
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Sustainable return to work: an integrated model. A personal example
Returning to work following a virus or a period of long term ill health can be a daunting prospect. In this article one of our team utilises a particular model and her personal experiences to explore how it’s possible to sustain working with the support and adjustments from an employer, with a long term condition such as fatigue.
Sustainable return to work: an integrated model; A personal example
Returning to work following a virus or a period of long term ill health can be a daunting prospect. In this article one of our team utilises a particular model and her personal experiences to explore how it’s possible to sustain working with the support and adjustments from an employer, with a long term condition such as fatigue.
How to live with Cognitive Dysfunction/brain fog as part of long Covid
A high percentage of clients we are seeing with Long Covid describe cognitive dysfunction as one of the main symptoms they are continuing to experience. In this blog our Careers and Employment Consultant and our Executive Manager/Occupational Therapist explore what it means to be debilitated like this and how to manage it especially in relation to returning or sustaining work.
How to support people to return to work with Long Covid
We recently ran a partnership webinar for health professionals alongside Affinity Health at work where we shared our expertise on the complexities of supporting those with post-covid-19 syndrome/long covid with returning to work. This blog is a summary of this event with some strategies utilising recent case stories and research findings on the collaborative approach that’s needed.
10 ways we have drawn on our post viral fatigue experience to respond to long-Covid
As a rehabilitation provider with expertise in the field of pain and fatigue we have been able to transfer our knowledge of supporting people with post viral fatigue following infections to the Covid-19 virus and the symptoms of long Covid.
Reflections on 12 months of supporting people back to work post-Covid-19.
As with everything since the pandemic started, the process of supporting people returning to work has been a steep learning curve. We asked our specialist Career and Employment Consultant for some reflections on her work with post-Covid clients over the last year.
10 things we have learnt as experts in the specialist field of pain and fatigue
For ten years now we have been treating clients with the persistent symptoms of fatigue and pain. Our expert team has delivered rehabilitation programmes for over 750 clients who have been supported to regain vitality. As part of our birthday celebrations, we draw together 10 things we have learnt about supporting people to recover here.
Top 10 strategies for living well with fatigue
Several of our team members have ME/CFS and associated pain, and as part of our 10-year anniversary, we gathered together their top strategies for learning to live well with fatigue which they share here.
How to support people to return to work with long Covid
We recently ran a partnership webinar for health professionals alongside Affinity Health at work where we shared our expertise on the complexities of supporting those with post-covid-19 syndrome/long covid with returning to work. This blog is a summary of this event with some strategies utilising recent case stories and research findings on the collaborative approach that’s needed.
How to live with Cognitive Dysfunction/brain fog as part of long Covid
A high percentage of clients we are seeing with Long Covid describe cognitive dysfunction as one of the main symptoms they are continuing to experience. In this blog our Careers and Employment Consultant and our Executive Manager/Occupational Therapist explore what it means to be debilitated like this and how to manage it especially in relation to returning or sustaining work.
Our Approach to post COVID-19 Syndrome: a clinical perspective
We have been working with post-Covid-19 Syndrome (PC19S) from the moment we realised persistent fatigue was an issue in Covid-19. Since then, as well as having our own caseload of long Covid patients, we have developed a partnership with the University of East Anglia (UEA) and created a research study, contributed to national guidance, led training programmes, have offered supervision for healthcare professionals, and are delivering early intervention programmes and return to work programmes. In this blog our founder/director and Specialist Physiotherapist offers her insights from a clinical perspective.
Rehabilitation, Fatigue and COVID-19: An exploration
In this blog, our expert team of specialist clinicians talks about:
How we are drawing together our experience to date of those presenting with long-tail symptoms such as breathlessness, anxiety, and fatigue following a COVID-19 infection.
How we have been successfully treating clients with post-viral fatigue syndrome for ten years.
News of our exciting research proposal looking at recovery from the COVID-19 virus.
Post-viral fatigue & Mental Health following COVID-19
In this blog we talk to someone who has had post-viral fatigue and how this has impacted her mental health. Our Clinical Psychologist also offers some advice and strategies to support coping with the impact of this debilitating fatigue.
Long-COVID- an Update from Dr G Coakley
In this article for Top Doctors, one of our referrers Dr. Gerald Coakley discusses what is new in our understanding of post-COVID-19 fatigue and shares suggestions for what people with ongoing fatigue symptoms can access for support.
How to use exercise therapeutically when you have Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS)
In this blog, our specialist Physiotherapist examines the benefits and precautions required when introducing physical activity during a period of post-viral fatigue.
Post-viral fatigue and returning to work after COVID-19 for example
For some people, a serious virus such as COVID-19 can result in prolonged symptoms such as fatigue during recovery. This can make it very difficult to return to work in the same manner as prior to being off sick. Its vital that all activity is resumed in a gradual manner to make it sustainable during a recovery phased and this article offers ideas from our specialist Careers Consultant, on how to consider and negotiate a return to work pathway that included considerations like a phased return or flexible working for example.
Post-viral fatigue and COVID-19
In this blog, we address the relationship between viral infections such as covid-19 and fatigue symptoms and the potential for longer-term impacts such as post-viral fatigue. We collate some of the latest research/articles on this topic and draw together, from our clinical specialism in this field of fatigue, our advice for how to manage fatigue at the acute phase of illness and subsequently.