Feedback and Complaints
Feedback is a cornerstone of our work, and ensures we continually improve our practice. Feedback from clients, customers, colleagues, and partners is proactively collected, reviewed and acted upon.
Complaints procedure
Complaints in relation to the services you have received can be addressed in the first instance to our Business Development, HR & Compliance Manager, Katherine Sewell (katherine@vitality360.co.uk).
An acknowledgement will be received within 4 working days of receipt; you can then expect a response and explanation following our investigation of your complaint within 15 working days.
Stage 2
Should you remain unsatisfied with the outcome of this investigation, you can raise this with our Executive Manager, Beverly Knops (beverly@vitality360.co.uk) and ask for the matter to be reviewed. This will be acknowledged within 4 working days of receipt and a response given within 15 working days.
However, inevitably some issues will be more complex and therefore may require longer to be fully investigated. If a matter requires more detailed investigation, you will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter and when a full reply can be expected.
Stage 3
If you are not satisfied with the subsequent reply from Vitality360’s Executive Manager, then you have the option of writing to The Chair of the Senior Management Team stating the reason why you are dissatisfied with the outcome. You must do this within 10 working days of receiving the written response from Vitality360’s Executive Manager.
The Chair of the Senior Management Team will respond normally within 10 working days to inform you of the action which will be taken to investigate your complaint and when you can expect to hear the outcome of the investigation.
Fitness to Practise complaints can be further escalated to the Health and Care Professions Council: ftp@hcpc-uk.org
Fitness to Practise Department, The Health and Care Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4BU
We look forward to working with you and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.