Our blog
Read the advice from our experts who work with people who have ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Viral Fatigue, Post Covid-19 Syndrome (long Covid) or persistent pain for tips on enabling recovery and supporting wellbeing
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How can we fully switch off from work this festive season?
Modern technology has allowed us to stay connected during the pandemic, but it also has a habit of setting up addictive patterns of ‘doing’ and achievement. So how can we switch off in a way that will be restorative for our bodies and minds, and help us to embrace the ongoing challenges of the pressures of the cost of living crisis, for example, with resource and resilience? In this blog we offer some tried and tested approaches and strategies - some simple steps for switching off from work!
How can we fully switch off from work this festive season?
Modern technology has allowed us to stay connected during the pandemic, but it also has a habit of setting up addictive patterns of ‘doing’ and achievement. So how can we switch off in a way that will be restorative for our bodies and minds, and help us to embrace the ongoing challenges of the pressures of the cost of living crisis for example with resource and resilience? In this blog we offer some tried and tested approaches and strategies -some simple steps for switching off from work!
Invisible Disabilities
In this blog our specialist fatigue clinician talks to three team members with pain and fatigue about how it is to have an invisible disability & the challenges this presents in relationships, how this can create misunderstandings socially and in the workplace.
Connection and Celebration Vitality360 10th Year Celebration Weekend! 13-14th May 2022
I feel privileged to be part of this team – not only because I am surrounded by a huge amount of expertise and experience, but because they’re a lovely bunch of people. For two days we spent the time getting to know each other better as well as experiencing the wonderful outdoors.
ME/CFS Awareness Week; What ME/CFS awareness means to me and how that translates into attending our team 10 year anniversary event
We are celebrating 10 years of supporting people with ME/CFS with a team event which synchronistically coincides with ME Awareness week. Here on our team members talks about how it is to attend this event with this condition.
Diet & Long Covid recovery: anti-inflammatory vs. low histamine
Recovering from long covid can be a long haul for some and diet is very important means to aid recovery. However, advice can be conflicting. Here our specialist dietitian explores the anti-histamine diet and the Mediterranean diet and considers their benefits.
Living with Invisible fatigue
One of our team shares what its like getting back to work after burning out with post viral fatigue/Chronic fatigue syndrome and the challenges of living with an invisible disability.
Does vitamin C help post-viral fatigue?
Our specialist dietitian explores the value of vitamin C in a balanced diet in fighting infection and recovering from post-viral fatigue especially if caused by COVID-19.
Invisible Disabilities
In this blog our specialist fatigue clinician talks to three team members with pain and fatigue about how it is to have an invisible disability & the challenges this presents in relationships, how this can create misunderstandings socially and in the workplace.
How to live with Cognitive Dysfunction/brain fog as part of long Covid
A high percentage of clients we are seeing with Long Covid describe cognitive dysfunction as one of the main symptoms they are continuing to experience. In this blog our Careers and Employment Consultant and our Executive Manager/Occupational Therapist explore what it means to be debilitated like this and how to manage it especially in relation to returning or sustaining work.
Handling emotional overwhelm
Grounding techniques can help us to self-regulate when we are feeling overwhelmed with strong emotions, unwanted thoughts or memories or when we feel disconnected.
Is Long Covid due to an immune system that has failed to return to normal after Covid 19 infection? What you need to know from our Specialist Nutrition
Long-Covid and diet… our specialist Dietician offers her reflections on this hotly debated topic.
Is Long Covid due to an immune system that has failed to return to normal after Covid 19 infection? What you need to know from our Specialist Nutrition
Long-Covid and diet… our specialist Dietician offers her reflections on this hotly debated topic
What is an anti-inflamatory diet?
Signs of malnutrition
Is the gut microbe important?
What about histamine intolerance?
Why work with a dietician?
Handling emotional overwhelm
Grounding techniques can help us to self-regulate when we are feeling overwhelmed with strong emotions, unwanted thoughts or memories or when we feel disconnected. Grounding can help to distract us from what we're experiencing and refocus on the present moment which can decrease the intensity of our emotional state and enable the body to calm itself. In this blog, we list three different types of grounding, you may find that one of these works better for you, or that a combination of each is helpful.
How to live with Cognitive Dysfunction/brain fog as part of long Covid
A high percentage of clients we are seeing with Long Covid describe cognitive dysfunction as one of the main symptoms they are continuing to experience. In this blog our Careers and Employment Consultant and our Executive Manager/Occupational Therapist explore what it means to be debilitated like this and how to manage it especially in relation to returning or sustaining work.
Rehabilitation, Fatigue and COVID-19: An exploration
In this blog, our expert team of specialist clinicians talks about:
How we are drawing together our experience to date of those presenting with long-tail symptoms such as breathlessness, anxiety, and fatigue following a COVID-19 infection.
How we have been successfully treating clients with post-viral fatigue syndrome for ten years.
News of our exciting research proposal looking at recovery from the COVID-19 virus.
Post-viral fatigue & Mental Health following COVID-19
In this blog we talk to someone who has had post-viral fatigue and how this has impacted her mental health. Our Clinical Psychologist also offers some advice and strategies to support coping with the impact of this debilitating fatigue.
Our experience at the first virtual CMSUK Conference & a summary of our presentation on fatigue and long-Covid
We enjoyed our experience at the first virtual Case Management Society conference. We shared our expertise on long-Covid recovery in a short presentation during it on our virtual stand.
How can we fully switch off from work this festive season?
It’s fair to say that it is has been something of a peculiar year, and this festive season will likely continue in the same vein. Modern technology has allowed us to stay connected during the pandemic, but it also has a habit of setting up addictive patterns of ‘doing’ and achievement. So how can we switch off in a way that will be restorative for our bodies and minds, and help us to embrace the ongoing challenges of the pandemic with resource and resilience? In this blog we offer some tried and tested approaches and strategies -some simple steps for switiching off from work!
Getting decent rest and working with sleep difficulties
Anxiety and an over-adrenalised ‘wired but tired’ state are very common, especially in our increasingly blue-lit world of technology and perpetual doing-ness. One of our team who has fatigue, shares her tried and tested top tips for dealing with a racing mind at bedtime too.