Past clients tell their stories
Past clients with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Persistent Pain, Post Covid-19 Syndrome, Post Viral Fatigue and other fatigue/pain conditions, share their experiences of the benefits they’ve gained from participating in one of our treatment programmes.
Read more below about the difference it’s made to their lives and wellbeing.
Tegan’s Story
Tegan's story beautifully illustrates the benefits of addressing her tendency to 'boom and bust' behaviour (where she experienced some terrible crashes) and moving towards a more balanced lifestyle. Tegan is very keen to share her story to inspire others that change is possible so have a read here.
Chris’s story told from a clinical perspective
At the end of the programme, Chris was working 12 hours a week and had a plan for how to further increase his hours.
His Clinician writes:- “Chris has engaged in the sessions offering advice on condition management techniques. He has actively applied the strategies that have been discussed and has gradually noticed improvement in his condition.’’
Meryl’s case story in her words
Our programmes aim to support people long after we finish working with them. Providing people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to continue making progress independently. It was great to hear the progress this client has made over the last 12 months, recovering fully enough to enjoy her life again.
“I felt alone, scared and uncertain of who I was or if I’d ever get my old life back.”
It's great to hear Samantha's feedback about her rehabilitation programme with us. After being severely unwell in ICU following a Covid-19 infection, she had challenges in many different areas. This included having difficulty with breathing, mobility and managing multiple symptoms such as fatigue and pain.
She was interested in exploring different approaches and remained committed and enthusiastic throughout rehabilitation. This supported her to build her physical capacity, to develop more balance in her life and to remain working.
Rebecca’s Case Story
So rewarding working with this client who quickly took our advice on board and made really positive adjustments to the her 'toolbox' of condition management strategies. Great to hear how much difference our help has made to her and that she is successfully managing back at work.
Sophie’s story told from a clinical perspective
It's great to hear about how we supported this client with Long Covid and ADHD to return back to the workplace. After being off work for 18 months with Long Covid, she managed to successfully return back to her role. We prepared a personalised plan together for returning to work. Her employer was particularly supportive in implementing the plan which helped considerably.
‘I was suffering with pain, fatigue and digestive problems…’
One of our clients describes their journey on own of our bespoke rehabilitation programmes and how they have been able to manage their symptoms to get back to work again.
‘I was experiencing fatigue, including cognitive fatigue, disturbed sleep and head and neck pain’
‘I have learnt alot of coping strategies through the programme to help me manage my health so that I have returned to work. I now have ‘chill out wednesdays’.. Read the full client story here
‘I got struck down by the juggernaut that is CFS/ME’
One our clients who recently spoke at our fatigue conference shares her personal journey of rehabilitation ‘The illness of CFS is absolutely devastating, and my heart goes out to all those who have been unlucky enough to be affected by it. But the main message I want to convey to you is that YOU CAN GET BETTER.’
‘Forcing myself to keep going became a way of life’. One client’s personal story.
I continued to push myself relentlessly, ignoring what my body was telling me. Anything beyond trying to deliver what I was tasked with at work, caring for my children, or the most rudimentary self-care were abandoned.
Following the programme I now feel able to approach my future with hope. I will strive to incorporate the tools and techniques I have learnt through the programme into my every day life.
Fibromyalgia recovery case story - Feeling less isolated and alone with my condition
Vitality 360 is a dedicated professional team of people that have many years of working in the NHS so they all understand every aspect of Fibromyaligia and Chronic Fatigue as well as the anxiety issues that can occur too with those conditions.
Long Covid
I was lacking confidence as my breathing was very shallow. I was struggling to do simple home chores. It was difficult to hold a conversation for more than a few minutes. I had contracted Covid in May 2021 and due to low oxygen sats was admitted to hospital…
Long Covid
Looking back to my first session on the programme, I can see how poorly I was. It was so helpful to have zoom sessions with my clinician who understood what I was going through. I had never had such a long ongoing illness, so I took every bit of advice with open arms…
Long Covid
I contracted Covid-19 in December 2020 and was admitted to hospital for 4 days due to low oxygen saturation levels caused by Covid pneumonia, leading to uncontrollable coughing. I also had a temperature and fatigue. On discharge, I was able to access support through Vitality360…
Long Covid
I am undergoing a phased return to work, next stage in, hopefully, a return to the life I led pre-pandemic. I will always remember the part the Vitality360 team have played in that journey. After several unsuccessful appointments for help/ direction/ a diagnosis…
As health professionals, how do we treat fatigue caused by long-Covid?
As a rehabilitation provider known for treating persistent fatigue and pain, we are now being approached by clients suffering from long Covid…
Recovering after Coronavirus: A personal reflection written by Eleanor
As the world began to lockdown, I fell ill in the first week of April, hit with a huge wave of extreme exhaustion. I spent five weeks barely leaving my bed with fluctuating symptoms: breathing issues and muscle pains, sore throats, and headaches, all underpinned by constant severe fatigue…
Returning to work with Fibromyalgia
The programme has enabled me to get out of the mess I was in in my head. I was in a place of a sense of no worth, no purpose and with all hope vanished of being able to have a life, never mind work. I was in a hole, feeling angry and frustrated…
Your support has changed my life
I honestly can't think of anything that could have been better. The support I received was helpful in so many ways.
I'm now able to manage work better (I'm off sick less and feel I'm achieving something) and, most importantly to me, the time I spend with my children is much better quality.
Managing anxiety & improving fatigue symptoms through GET & CBT: Nick's Story
It started with a bad case of flu in Dec 2017. I'd moved down south for a new and demanding job and had been doing a lot of travelling. I was enjoying the new role and life but was certainly ready for the Christmas break and had for some time been having trouble sleeping.