Our blog
Read the advice from our experts who work with people who have ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post-Viral Fatigue, Post Covid-19 Syndrome (long Covid) or persistent pain for tips on enabling recovery and supporting wellbeing
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Explaining pain to friends and relatives (tips provided)
When you have an ongoing pain condition it can be such a struggle to talk to others about what its like to live with and what practical and emotional support they could give you.
Persistent Pain and Sex
Is a good sex life possible when living with Persistent Pain?
Many of our clients say it is but it may require a bit of preparation, planning and a willingness to try something a bit different.
Having Friends for Dinner when you have Chronic Pain or Fatigue
I have heard so many clients with Pain and fatigue saying they no longer have friends over because it is exhausting. When I ask them more about this the answer is almost always the same. By the time I have cleaned the house, gone shopping and cooked dinner I have no energy left to enjoy talking to my friends.