CFS/ME recovery case story - Getting back to work, completing a 5K run and having a healthy pregnancy

When I first met my Vitality360 Physiotherapist, I was off work with CFS and had been experiencing symptoms for over 6 months. I was spending much of my time indoors and felt physically and emotionally exhausted and defeated. Walking 5 minutes down the road would leave me out of breath and I was unable to read or even enjoy watching films as my concentration was so poor. Having seen several medical professionals over a period of months, I felt there was no further hope for my improvement in the foreseeable future. Thankfully, through complete good fortune, I was passed on [Vitality360’s] details. From the get-go my clinician empowered me to not only guide my own recovery, but to put in place mechanisms that mean I don’t end up in the same situation again.

We started gently with a detailed analysis of my activity, and together planned levels of activity, rest, relaxation and exercise which allowed me to sleep more effectively, worry less and begin to do things I enjoyed. By building on my exercise and activity at a pace appropriate for me, I was soon able to work full time again. Not only that, but after having started my recovery programme with Vitality360 in February, by that September I was able to do a 5k run, and in good time too! That was a major achievement as I’d never been sporty. Achieving that gave me the self-belief that I could overcome any challenges or set-backs in my health or life stresses.

The skills Vitality360 has taught me have stayed with me day-to-day. I still do a full relaxation every day, exercise regularly, am aware of balancing activity and rest and overall, I am more calm, confident and relaxed. I am proud of what Vitality360 has helped me to achieve and have learned invaluable approaches which have seen me through a healthy pregnancy, something I never thought I would be able to experience. 

But most of all I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to engage in a rehabilitation programme which has made me feel in control of my life, through my clinician’s amazing expertise, experience and very understanding and gentle approach. I have gone from being a cynic about most therapies, to near proselytising to anyone who has a problem in their life about what I’ve learnt through my recovery programme.

I felt the programme was tailored for my personal needs and abilities, was flexible and did not put undue pressure on me. Because of that I have been able to stick with it for over 18 months and feel like a different person now. 

- Eva, London

Other sources of information:


Post-viral fatigue recovery case story - Getting through the final year of university


Case Story - Being able to drive again