The A-Z of self care during this difficult time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

A: Anxiety - keep things in perspective and try to stay in the present moment

B: Boundaries - it’s important to find these and say no to anything that doesn’t align with self-care

C: Coaching - supporting oneself to make different choices

D: Diet - less refined carb, sugar and caffeine all help to sustain health

E: Exercise - realistic and achievable - just ten minutes walking a day improves health

F: Friendship - be in remote contact with people who feed you not those who repeatedly drain you

G: Goals - realistic and motivating that reflect deeper values e.g. to care for yourself more

H: Hugs - great for soothing the nervous system (if you have someone in your household to offer one)

I: Imagination - doing something differently such as a bath before bed rather than TV

J: Jumper - snuggle into cosy soft layers to comfort yourself when you need it

K: Kitchen - make how you take time to cook and eat an act of self-care

L: Laughter - take time to engage with things that make you laugh or do things that do

M: Mood - notice your changing state of mood and be welcoming however it feels

N: Noticing - take time to notice the small moments of connection and beauty every day

O: Outdoors - nature is a great soother.  Stand outside and take some deep breaths

P: Pets - an excellent means to self-soothe by their companionable presence and through stroking them

Q: Quality engagement with others (as permitted) and activities - maybe take up a new hobby!

R: Rest - essential and underrated

S: Sounds - taking time out to listen to soothing sounds is very beneficial via apps like Insight Timer

T: Taste - eat more mindfully and enjoy eating with others in your household

U: Unplugged - take small windows of time to be screen-free

V: Vitality - do things that feed your soul no matter how seemingly silly or minor

W: Walking - it’s simple and it’s free and if we can do it without distraction, great to ground and nurture

X: Keep distressing images/news etc to a level that doesn’t overwhelm or trigger your threat system

Y: Yellow - a great bright colour that can lift a mood

Z: Zoom-free - it’s easy to get a lot more fatigued using these platforms at this time, so take frequent breaks and mix up with other unrelated activities


Some tips from someone who usually works from home on how to manage the pitfalls


Persistent Pain and Sex