“Fibromyalgia: It's like having an orchestra of discomfort playing in various parts of your body.”

Fibromyalgia is a complex and often misunderstood chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterised by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance, fibromyalgia can significantly impact a person's quality of life.

We know that living with fibromyalgia can be difficult and often involves a range of physical, emotional, and social impacts. At Vitality360 we are very aware that experiences can vary widely among individuals and each experience will be unique.

That’s why we have a tailored approach to treatment and work closely with each client to identify the tools and techniques that will help them most effectively. 


As an example, Anna first approached Vitality360 when she was barely managing to undertake any activity during the day.  She spent hours lying on the sofa and hadn’t managed to have a shower in weeks. Following an in depth assessment we were able to work with Anna to identify her personal beliefs, values and goals and make a realistic plan to move forward. We gradually supported her in taking the initial steps towards becoming independent in her personal care starting with cleaning her teeth every day.  Once she had started to achieve the small steps, she managed to build her confidence and capacity to include regular bathing and showering, regular short walks and more social activities. These activities laid the foundation for continuing to slowly build capacity towards a richer quality of life.


When Paul attended his first session with us he was just about to return to work full time after a period of several months off due to a significant exacerbation in his symptoms. He was still experiencing symptoms but as they had reached a manageable level he had decided to push through and ‘get back to normal’. Paul’s only real way of coping was to push himself to carry on until he couldn’t, ie. he ‘crashed’. Sessions with Paul were based around activity management, moderating activities and experimenting with doing things differently. To support him in making these changes he engaged in sessions with our Clinical Psychologist who explored themes of acceptance and self compassion. Paul has been able to sustain work and participate in a range of other activities over the last 18 months. He still has a tendency to ‘boom and bust’, particularly when he really wants to do something, but his decisions are well thought through and he is able to cope with fluctuations in his symptoms by moderating his activities and challenging his expectations of himself, most of the time!

These examples illustrate the fact that although people may have the same diagnosis, their lived experience is unique and will need a carefully formulated, bespoke programme.

Put simply, different individuals can learn to manage ongoing symptoms in a number of ways. This may involve a degree of flexibility and an alternative approach to tackling problems as well as recruiting support from experts, like those at Vitality360.

It can be difficult to explain what actually happens in therapy programmes; usually our clients themselves use words that just make more sense.


Sarah worked with a clinician at Vitality360 and stated:

“I was a broken person in daily pain and felt there was no hope for my future. My whole identity was crushed under these crippling conditions. I can now see the progress I have made in the last 18 months or so. I had been, prior to my return to work, on sick leave for three years and I am now back to working three days a week.  I feel I have got back part of the life that I used to live which gives me a stable ground on which to walk into the future.” 

Sarah feels she can now build on creating more stability, stamina and tolerance over time.

Living with fibromyalgia presents unique trials and tribulations, but with the right combination of therapeutic and medical support, lifestyle adjustments, self-care and self-compassion individuals can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. In our opinion it is crucial for those with fibromyalgia to work closely with healthcare professionals, stay informed and connect with a supportive community to navigate the journey towards wellness. Each person's experience with fibromyalgia is unique, and a holistic approach to care can make a significant difference in managing this complex disorder.

Vitality360 has a number of experts who can assist someone with Fibromyalgia in navigating and managing the challenges that may be encountered with this condition. 

Learning the techniques to “get in tune” with this condition is key. 

Written by Charlie Adler, Specialist OT and Beverly Knops, Specialist OT


Long Covid - Sustaining work with ongoing symptoms