Connection and Celebration Vitality360 10th Year Celebration Weekend! 13-14th May 2022

A reflection by Charlie Adler, Specialist Occupational Therapist

I feel privileged to be part of this team – not only because I am surrounded by a huge amount of expertise and experience, but because they’re a lovely bunch of people.  For two days we spent the time getting to know each other better as well as experiencing the wonderful outdoors; being guided by the lovely Julia Gillick from Ipse Wilderness (which stands for intellectually, physically, spiritually and emotionally inspiring walks and talks in nature).

Focusing on Ecotherapy over the two days our senses were tuned in to the fantastic surroundings at Bardown Farm in Sussex.  We learnt about the value of ‘vista’ and savannah landscapes as well as the importance of connecting with nature on so many different levels. 

How to connect with nature- a solo ‘sit spot’

Learning to tune in to our surroundings we had the opportunity to focus on our values as well as spend time taking a ‘pause’ whilst we found a ‘solo sit spot’.  We were encouraged to consider how we connect with nature through our senses, emotions, meaning, compassion, and beauty.  Throughout the two days we applied these principles to our own lives knowing that there was true value in transferring this knowledge in a therapeutic relationship too.

Making a vitality sustaining pledge

Leaving our busy lives behind it was a tonic to spend time and energy on ourselves.  We knew the challenge was going to be applying what we learnt when we returned home.  Obviously, this had already been considered and at the end of the two days we were encouraged to make a pledge.  We all needed to make a pledge for a greater nature connection and the ideas the team brainstormed were wonderful.  Suggestions included making changes to our diets, following more plant-based recipes, to taking a table into the garden and spending time in nature whilst taking a well-earned lunch break. 

Committing to really taking time in nature on my dog walk

This morning I started my pledge of taking time in nature whilst out on a regular dog walk.  Too often we’re caught up in our heads and it was a relief to allow myself to just ‘be’.

So, this morning I walked up the hill and spent time taking in the vista:

Then I found a place to ‘pause’

I practiced a ‘grounding’ technique

The dogs and I experimented with a ‘grounding’ technique noticing:-

  • 5 things we could see (e.g. all the different shades of green, moss on the bench, coloured flowers, soil and gravel, colours of the bark on the trees),

  • 4 things we could feel (e.g. damp bench, texture of the bark, soft leaves, soft dog fur!), 3 things we could hear (e.g. birdsong predominantly – and an occasional dog chewing a stick),

  • 2 things we could smell (e.g. wild garlic and damp soil) and finally

  • one thing we could taste – more tricky, but involved a little chew of garlic (and another stick for the dog).

Taking a breathing space pause and noticing nature through the senses

It was lovely to take this time just for myself and for only a few minutes focus totally on my surroundings.  Next time I’m going to practice a short breathing space – just focusing on the breath - another ‘pause’ opportunity for just a few minutes.

Thank you to all the team for your skills and insights; I know I will be reflecting on this experience for a while yet – in the meantime – how do you find connection with nature?

Nature itself is the best physician - Hippocrates

“When you bring your attention to a stone, a tree or an animal, something of its essence transmits itself to you.  You can sense how still it is and in doing so the same stillness rises within you.  You can sense how deeply it rests in being, completely one with what it is and where it is, in realising this, you too come to a place or rest deep within yourself”

— Eckhart Tolle


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